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The Tears Stream Down - DC.pdf
An essay by Demetrice Crite

Rufus Rodolph, Untitled, 9_2020.docx.pdf
Poem/excerpt by Rufus Rodolph

Demetrice Crite (to Kirsten Pickering).docx.pdf
A poem by Demetrice Crite

Artwork by Lulu(?)

Screen Shot 2021-05-01 at 10.46.50 PM.png
Page Dukes shares a tribute for those still living during the Mourning Our Losses virtual vigil, "Marking a Year of Loss Behind Bars."The tribute reads:"Good mourning, comrades, siblings in arms- good arms that hold us up, not hold us down. Your arms…

Jesus on a Cross art by Carlos Ridley

OrlandoRomero3 (1).jpeg
Artwork by Orlando Romero

OrlandoRomero2 (1).jpeg
Artwork by Orlando Romero

James Scott by Anthony Ehlers (1).JPG
Drawing of James Scott by Anthony Ehlers

Pencil drawing
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