Browse Items (54 total)

A poem by George K.L. Smith.

A recording of Jennifer Toon reading a memorial she wrote for her friend, Anne Smith, who died of Covid-19 of July 29, 2020. This recording was created as part of the Mourning Our Losses vigil on October 8th, 2020.The memorial was originally…

Burnice Ford 10_21_2020 Transcriptions.docx.pdf
An essay by Burmice Ford

The Tears Stream Down - DC.pdf
An essay by Demetrice Crite

Rufus Rodolph, Speak Out, 9_2020.docx.pdf
A poem by Rufus Rodolph

Negligent and Deadly Anthony Ehlers.docx.pdf
An essay by Anthony Ehlers

Demetrice Crite (to Kirsten Pickering).docx.pdf
A poem by Demetrice Crite

Articles from Mumin Israfil.docx.pdf
An essay by Mumin Israfil

Letter from Gary L. Butler.docx.pdf
An essay by Gary L. Butler

Michael Carpenter (to Mirilla Zhu).docx.pdf
A list by Michael Carpenter
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